The company's name is Elicera Therapeutics AB. The company is public (publ).
The board is based in Uppsala municipality.
The company shall conduct operations within Life Science and operations compatible therewith.
The share capital must be a minimum of SEK 500 000 and a maximum of SEK 2 000 000.
The number of shares shall be a minimum of 12 000 000 and a maximum of 48 000 000.
The board shall consist of a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 7 members with a maximum of 3 deputies.
The company must have a minimum of one and a maximum of two auditors with a maximum of two deputy auditors. An auditor or a registered auditing company shall be appointed as auditor and, where applicable, deputy auditor.
Notice of the Annual General Meeting shall be given by advertising in Post- och Inrikes Tidningar and by keeping the notice available on the company's website. That a summons has been issued must also be announced in Svenska Dagbladet.
To be allowed to participate in the Annual General Meeting, shareholders must register with the company no later than the day specified in the notice convening the meeting. This day may not be Sunday, another public holiday, Saturday, Midsummer's Eve, Christmas Eve or New Year's Eve and may not fall earlier than the fifth weekday before the meeting. Shareholders may bring assistants to the Annual General Meeting only if he or she notifies the number of assistants to the company in accordance with the procedure that applies to shareholders' registration at the Annual General Meeting.
It must be possible to hold a general meeting in Uppsala or Stockholm.
At the Annual General Meeting, the following matters shall be considered.
Fiscal year is January 1 - December 31.
§ 12 Reconciliation reservation
The company's shares must be registered in a record register in accordance with the Act (1998: 1479) on central securities depositories and accounting for financial instruments.